
Sailing towards sustainability

At WEC Lines, we’ve made it our top priority to reduce our ecological footprint by any means possible. In short, we only have one goal in mind: to get our emissions down to net-zero in 2050. That means a lot of hard work and a forward-thinking mindset. Not because we have to comply with international law, but also because we believe it’s our duty to preserve the planet and the deep blue seas we cherish so much. In 2023, for the first time, WEC Lines has participated in our parent company MSC’s Sustainability Report. Click on the link below to see how we’re making a difference.

How we’re becoming more sustainable
every single day

In terms of CO2-impact, sea shipping already compares favourably to other transport modes when you compare the grams of CO2 emissions per tonne-kilometre, as shown in the model below. However, we are constantly trying to improve our CO2 emissions by making use of several technological innovations. When it comes to inland transportation, we are already favouring rail over road. Since January 2021, WEC Lines runs its own block trains within Spain, connecting inland and depots like Madrid, Barcelona, Zaragoza and Valencia with Bilbao. And that’s just the beginning! Want to read more about our journey towards sustainability? Be sure to check out our news page for the latest updates!

“In terms of CO2-impact per tonne-kilometre, sea shipping already compares favourably with other transport modes.”

Below, you’ll find a set of diagrams depicting the grams of CO2 emissions per tonne-km, per mode of transport.

AIR: 580 Grams of CO2 emissions per tonne-km
ROAD: 45 Grams of CO2 emissions per tonne-km
RAIL: 18 Grams of CO2 emissions per tonne-km
SEA: 3 Grams of CO2 emissions per tonne-km

Here’s how we’re keeping things green

Even though we’re always trying to do better, the following list contains a summary of several solutions we are already making use of.

  1. We have installed Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS) on all of our vessels
  2. We are installing Sox scrubber installations on our vessels to clean the exhaust gasses of our vessels
  3. We are tracking our vessels 24/7 on their fuel usage and emissions. This data we use amongst others to steer on the so called Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) that has come into force in 2023
  4. Our vessels are being painted with special anti fouling-paint, reducing the spill of microplastics and biocides into the ocean
  5. We are investing in shore power installations, so we can plug in our vessels in ports where there is shore power and switch off the auxiliary engines which reduces the emissions
  6. We are testing the use of BIO-fuel blending on our services
  7. We are investigating other measures like installing new propellors, bulbs or Carbon Capture systems
  8. We offer our customers Co2 emission calculations to compare different modalities

Net-zero emissions in 2050

We will make it happen

We’re currently on route towards net-zero emissions in 2050, with several important stops along the way. Below, you can see what we’re planning to do and when we’re doing it.

Our roadmap to net-zero decarbonisation


Establishing important strategic partnerships for future fuels


Securing EEXI and CII-compliance


Mid-term measures to reduce carbon intensity of the fleet by at least 40%


First net-zero fuel capable vessel in service


Long-term measures to reduce carbon intensity of the fleet by at least 70%


Complete net-zero decarbonization



Let us help you calculate how shipping can improve the carbon footprint of your company. Please send your inquiries to Elisa Dellebeke, Sustainability Officer, via e-mail at

Also, if you have any questions regarding our plans for a more sustainable future, we are happy to answer them. Because it’s extremely important for us to hear the voices of our clients, and keep them in the loop at all times.

“Our roadmap to reaching net-zero decarbonisation in 2050 is quite ambitious, but we’ve already implemented several solutions to reduce emissions from our ships. Together, we will make it happen!”

Elisa Dellebeke, Sustainability Expert