The German government has recently approved a draft law on a road toll reform which includes the introduction of a CO2 truck toll that will take effect from December 1st, 2023.
In addition, the German government plans to introduce a C02 toll for trucks with a Technically Permissible Maximum Laden Mass over 3.5 tonnes from 1 July 2024.
This reform on truck tolls will lead to an approximate 83.2% increase in current German road toll (MAUT) as based on a EURO-6 truck. For example, with a 200-kilometre distance, the additional cost will be around 30 euros on a single trip via trailer transport whereas a roundtrip via direct trucking will arrive at 60 euros approximately.
Furthermore, German roads that are currently free of road toll may also become toll roads to encourage the switch to environmentally friendlier (road) vehicles. Emission-free trucks will be exempt from road toll until the end 2025.
WEC Lines is forced to increase the MAUT/German Road Toll by 0.158 euros per kilometre as from December 1st, 2023.
With our continued efforts on transporting cargo via intermodal connections whenever possible, mostly via shortsea and rail, this increase should have a limited impact on overall transport costs for most of our clients.
We trust to have informed you sufficiently. For any further questions, please contact your local sales representative.
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